Big Magic

Ready for some creative magic in your life?

The Wand in the Word is a journaling journey at the intersection of art, science and mysticism. We’ll be using the wisdom of Einstein, Rumi and our own imaginations to look at our lives through the lens of Curiosity, Creativity and Compassion, empowering us to cultivate new ways of seeing allowing us to create new meaning out of old stories. 

I merely

took the energy it took to pout

and wrote some blues.”

Duke Ellington


What a beautiful reminder that creativity is the magic wand that can help us transform anything into a thing of beauty. Wether it’s pain, sadness, frustration–or any other emotion–it’s all energy and once we make space for it to exsit, we can reshapre it into the tonic our soul needs. 

Do you ever feel


learn to grow


What if you Could

Tame the Inner Critic

Fear has a function and when we learn to honor and work with fear, rather than subscribe to the myth we should be fearless, we create ease and trust with our bodies and creative power. We’re able to tame the inner critic and do it anyway. 

Speak to your Subconscious

Carl Jung tells us the soul speaks in images. Using colors, images, and textures, we are able to get below our conditions thoughts, stories and beliefs, tapping into the wisdom of ourselves and the collective consciousness.

Choose your hopes not Fears

Humans are the only species able to imagine and create new things that don’t already exsist. So often we default to creating through fear, rather than joy and hope. Through attention and intention we can shift our point of creating. 

let’s create a new path forward


let’s learn

In this 21 Day Experience We Will

I Struggled With Finding Calm in the Midst of chaos too

Enter my secret weapon to the inherit chaos of life — a journal.

Turns out we can actually CREATE calm when we need it most. By meeting ourselves exactly where we are–with curiosity, creativity and compassion. And I’ve got the prompts to get you there. All you need is a an open mind, a pen and some paper. Over the years I’ve evolved the process, adding paint and other mediums, but the key ingredients have always been simple: me, a notebook, a writing instrument and my swirling head.

I list my swirling head separately from “me,” because I truly believe we are not our thoughts. If we don’t separate ourselves from them, they can threaten to consume us.

I will guide you through my personal process where my journal becomes the safe place where we can confide my weaknesses and messy humanity. Where I can scream out what I really wanted to say. It becomes the place where I have the time and space to reflect and rewrite my story making me the person I aim to be, vs the person I’m capable of being on any given day.

I read once that we can spend all day trying to avoid or deny an emotion, but that if we acknowledge and identify said feeling, it takes a mere 90 seconds for that emotion to move through our body. Done. Honored and released. I like that.

Life is filled with moments where we feel like we’ve failed, or we’ve fallen short. And yet, there’s no time to sit around and mope about how we wish we’d done things. Our co-workers, lovers, children, and communities need us, and as women, its no secret we’re the rock everyone else leans on, making it imperative we create our our own fortress. For me this is my journal.

“I merely took the energy it took to pout, and wrote some blues.”
Duke Ellington

What a beautiful reminder that creativity is the magic wand that can help us transform anything into a thing of beauty. Wether it’s pain, sadness, frustration–whatever–it’s all energy and we can shape it into the tonic our soul needs.

Hope and possibility live on the blank pages of my journal.

There’s no pressure to be good, to be right, to be anything other than what I am. It’s for my eyes only. And if there’s something I create in there that seems to good to keep to myself, I gently coax it out to the rest of the world, in my own time.

If you’re searching for a retreat that’s easily accessible (because let’s face it, time is the last thing we have), I invite you to join me and pick up a journal and transform our stuggles into something meaningful and nourishing.

Tiff Solo

Happy Words

from happy clients

I'm Passionate

about reconnecting people to their innate creative power.

The Wand In the Word: A complete guide to more magic in our lives through journaling

The Wand in the Word E-course is a fun and simple journaling experience designed to help us shape our personal journeys into the tonic our souls need. Journaling is an easy and accessable tool that improves not only our attitude and outlook, but also our physical wellbeing. Crazy, but true! Check out the latest research on that here and here. 

Learning to put our attention where it serves us best requires the same sort of deliberate practice necessary to build and new skill. Honestly, it’s a lot like exercise, it’s a muscle we have to build. 

Using simple art supplies (seriously you can find most of them in your kid’s backpack) we will tune into the wisdom Einstein and Rumi were so in touch with–the incredible power of our imaginations that can literally create beauty and magic everywhere we look. 

The Course Includes

The Wand in the Word Sef-Paced E-Course

$ 249
  • 11 Video tutorials with art journaling techniques
  • 21 Daily Inspired Action
  • 21 Daily Writing Prompts
  • Special Guest Interviews with Inspired Creatives
  • BONUS: Downloadable Ebook

What people are saying

“Tiffiney is a caring mindful teacher who has helped me express myself on paper
in a way that I never thought possible.” 

– Alice Sanderson, Wellness Coordinator at Quincy Natural Foods

When I started journaling I felt disconnected from everything including myself. Using the journal as a tool with Tiffiney brought me fully back into my place of power.”  

– Thea Wagler, 7th and 8th Grade Science Teacher at Nucla Jr/Sr High School

“For me, journaling gives me a process to sort through the chaos of my emotions. It enables me to pinpoint exactly what I’m feeling, and look at it almost as an objective observer.”

– Bette Burney, 4th Grade Teacher at Plumas Unified School District


get in touch

Overlay_The Wand in the Word

let’s learn

Are you ready to:

  • "One feeds a life by listening to it."

I read, and reread that line, and let its potency wash over me yesterday afternoon.

One feeds a life by listening to it. 
What it needs. 
What it wants.
What it desires. 


How do you take time to escape your mind's endless chatter and come to your senses? Your senses where your  life can whisper what she needs, wants and desires in your ear? 

Or do you meet her in the trail? The yoga mat? The blank page? 

How do you make space for your muse to show up? 

Thank you to those of you who love this by example and remind me to do that same. 

  • My heart is full seeing all the faces that were such a big part of her story. A lifetime of memories from a life well lived. ✨💛✨

Lessons I learned from my mother. 

I’m grateful for the sense of adventure you embraced in your life, and shared with us. 
From camping and exploring, to design and cooking, you taught us to try new things and go after our dreams. I always believed I could do anything I wanted, with enough hard work and vision, and that little failures along the way were lessons that would give us information to try again and never give up. I can honestly look back at my life thus far and even the times I crashed, I’m grateful and proud of every chance I took, it has all lead me to where I am today. 

I’m grateful for the sense of beauty and aesthetics you shared with us. From the way we dress ourselves to the way we dress a room or a table, you shared your appreciation for lovely patterns and colors and the way they work together to create an experience. I love creating spaces that are beautiful and welcoming. 

I’m grateful for the chances you took to leave unhappy relationships and find a wonderful man who loves you unconditionally and provided love, safety and fun for all of us. And if you hadn’t kept going until you found the absolute BEST one who loves you beyond measure—I wouldn’t even exist! So good move on that one!

I’m grateful for the “take no shit” attitude you walked through life with. You taught us that we weren’t better than anyone and to be humble, but that no one was better than us either, and we deserved to be treated with respect and dignity. If anyone treated us any less, we knew how to stand up for ourselves and walk away, and maybe even throw a fuck you at them, just for emphasis. 

Wether we could take sheets and turn them into curtains, an old chair and make it new again with a can of spray paint and a few tucks of material and a staple gun, or turn our talents into a thriving business—you were a great example of anything is possible. 

I’m grateful I get to be a part of this simultaneously beautiful and devastating  experience we call life. 

Love you,
  • Happy Father’s Day to all the rad Dads out there. 

So grateful for the men in my life ❤️
  • So exciting to be on the mountain for the Men’s World Cup this weekend ⛷️🏆🌨️

Creative tools for being human.