Life by Tiff

Meet the New Ambassador of Buzz…

Yup. Ambassador of Buzz. That’s my new job title.

You might be wondering if it’s my job to get people drunk. Well sort of. I do love a well crafted adult beverage. Especially with anything ginger related.

But that’s not really what the Ambassador of Buzz title is about. This buzz is about excitement. About getting drunk on possibility and opportunity. Because excited,  is exactly what I am when it comes to Lisa Sonora’s Creative Journey method and her Creative Entrepreneur resources.

Lisa is an American artist now living in Oaxaca. A former art therapist, her work is not only transformative, but also highly practical. A rare creative with an MBA, her method is like nothing I’ve ever come across. Her art is like a secret weapon when it comes to kick ass business strategy and thinking outside the old, worn out box.

As you may imagine by the title, I’m doing a mash up of different things in this role. But one of the more exciting pieces, is Diego and I are creating not only promotional videos to spread the word about what’s on offer, but also videos for the online courses people can take from anywhere.




Lisa’s courses already attract a global classroom with students from all over the world. But I’m here to help expand the offerings, and create some incredible new courses for creative entrepreneurs and those looking to intentionally design a business around not only their skills, but also their lifestyle.

I’m currently taking the Dreaming on Paper workshop Lisa offers online. The techniques I learned, have opened up a whole new channel for self discovery I never knew existed. It makes sense, that we need a space to test out our ideas without worrying about if they are viable or reasonable. May sound simple, but the class shifted my perspective in a way I wasn’t expecting.

This is just the beginning of many fun and exciting news to come on the Creative Entrepreneur front. But in case you thought I was down here in Mexico just enjoying the regional Mezcal, well now you know it’s actually my job to be generating the buzz!

My kinda gig.
