Life by Tiff


“Every now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.”

Guillaume Apollinaire

Things are starting to get CraZy around here!  The house sold in a little over two weeks and we have to be out of our house by August 15th. Yikes!  The overwhelm is officially setting in as I try to resize our life into 4 suitcases to fly across the Atlantic and start our great family adventure on the Costa Brava of Spain.

The emotions have taken me by surprise.  By all measures we are blessed with a beautiful life here.  We live in an exquisite area with genuinely kind and interesting people. I have a fulfilling job with flexibility and opportunity for growth.  Diego has found a niche with his video production services.  The kids are happy with their schools and have good buddies they love. We have some of the most gorgeous swimming holes on the planet, a sweet little Farmers’ Market, a groovy food co-op, a community college, why do we feel the need to wander again?


Just whittling down my shoes is paining me.  I LOVE my shoes. I love my coat collection, and my jewelery, and my vintage vanity where my daughter steals my lipstick from every morning.  I’m having a hard time parting with clothing and my bike, and Diego is destroyed over our backcountry ski gear.  (I am pretty bummed about the ski stuff too, but I KNOW Diego, he will find a brand rep somewhere along the way and replace our gear! I never doubt him!)  The kids are obviously unsure about where they are going and I’m shipping them off to my mom’s the day we do the yard sale.  I just keep showing them pictures of swimming pools and that seems to be enough to negate their fears for the moment.

I think because everything is happening so fast, I’m feeling overwhelmed.  We’re in the final stretch and while I’m dreaming of doing this


All I see is this mess


And this mess


And don’t forget the never ending stack of dishes. And I think to myself, if it’s this hard for me to keep up with everything HERE on land with a washing machine and every convenience afforded to modern living, HOW am I going to keep up with it all on a boat?!

And then I talk myself down off the ledge and remind myself it’s stressful because transition always is if you let it be.  I have made a deal with myself to just take one step at a time and not get overwhelmed with all of the tasks that need to happen, just one day at a time.  It probably does’t help that I’m doing a massive cleanse this week and can’t enjoy any of the comfort foods or beverages I enjoy.  That was poor timing!

There are still many questions without answers.  We are making this up as we go.  When the doubts creep in, I sit down to my computer and shut them up with images of stunning sunsets from all over the world.

How do you cope with overwhelm when making a massive leap of faith?