Life by Tiff

The Evolution of the Yard Sale

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”

Leonardo da Vinci

Who doesn’t love the thrill of good bargain?  Who hasn’t bought something they don’t need, just because it was cheap?  I’m guilty!

As we whittle our life down to a suitcase per person however, we needed to get rid of our things at a price that would launch us into our new lifestyle as long term travelers.  We have serious camera equipment to buy!

Enter the idea for a Pop-Up Boutique.  It occurred to me that I had something to offer when women starting asking what I was doing with all my clothes.  Ever the entrepreneur, I ran down to the local thrift store, borrowed a few round racks,  bought some cocktail provisions and posted a message to Facebook.  Within the hour, the ladies arrived to find my outfits displayed with matching belts, shoes and jewelry, set to the soundtrack of my favorite Pandora station.  Most of these women were my friends, or at the very least friends of a friend, and they were excited to find a new treasure AND support our crazy adventure to sail across the ocean with a preschooler and a kindergartener.  Complimentary cocktails and good company a total bonus!

Tiffiney’s Pop-Up Boutique


 I left my house in tact with art and housewares displayed, and people bought stuff right off the walls.  I sold everything from my bedding to my towels (both were super freakin’ cute I might add–I’m an Anthropologie junkie!) before the actual sale started on Saturday morning.

Traditional Yard Sale


Saturday morning was like the Grand Finale.  Most of the furniture and big items were already gone thanks to my Facebook network. We made french pressed coffee and epic Bloody Mary’s.  People were so appreciative! One of our best shoppers posted this on his FB page and got 95 likes and 32 comments. Talk about grassroots marketing–people wanted the address!



As the house continued to empty, we caught up with neighbors and friends while sharing our plans for the big move across the Atlantic this fall.  I felt so full of love and abundance, and truly grateful for this special place we call home.  It was like a giant house party, so when the traditional bargain bounty hunters started rolling through it felt strange.  It felt down right intrusive as a husband and wife duo in their matching State of Jefferson t-shirts, she still with hair rollers in, came barging through our house asking if this was it.  Another woman gave me the huffy, “Who does she think she is,” look when I had the audacity to tell her the $2 price tag,  on a previously $24 travel anthology, ironically titled The Kindness of Strangers.  Sorry lady, that’s one of my favorite books, and actually my husband put that out there by mistake–I would have packed it and save it in my sister’s basement you tight wad. Oh maybe that was the Bloody talking.


So if I have any wisdom to share from this experience, I think next time I have a yard sale,  I’ll stick to this more dignified version and skip putting signs on the road open to the general public just looking for a cheap crap.  We are already a pretty minimalist family, so everything in our house is curated for our tastes.

With the exception of the sofa, I was able to get close to what I paid for all of my furniture.  Yay!  I’m from a total DIYer family, so most of my pieces I had found a little beat up and then refurbished.  This vanity is one such example.


This vintage beauty was fought over on my facebook thread like a large breasted female in a rural mountain bar at closing time.  The winning bidder was a fellow writer who I know will put it to good use.


I know many of you have gone through this process of selling everything and jumping off into the great unknown.  How did you do it? Ebay, thrift stores?  Were you able to monetize your things and pay off your debt?  Was it emotional?

I’d love to hear your stories below.

And thank you again to all our supporters! I hope you enjoy your new treasure as much as we did!

And just for fun here’s a photo of Diego doing one of his last dirty jobs as homeowner!  Freedom here we come!
