Life by Tiff

The light of a Catalan Holiday

This post is dedicated to my Mom and Dad.

I remember many a Christmas, piling into the car, a down jacket thrown over pajamas, and driving around our rural, snow-covered county to admire the Christmas lights.

Nobody does Christmas quite like my Mom (well aside from Martha) but she manages to put her’s on without the budget and team of studio producers. It’s just her, her pine bows, bailing wire, fancy ribbon and my Dad to bring to life the visions in her head. With a Christmas tree in every room, Elvis crooning about his baby, raw apple cake in the oven, and fresh holly and pine tucked beneath an army of holiday figurines, you can smell, hear and taste the season at Mom’s house.

Enjoy Mom! You too Dad–someone else had to scale the roof and garden to create these beautiful displays!


No one’s a stranger this time of year! Just friends you haven’t met yet!


La Iglesia de Santa Maria del Mar, she’s even more beautiful in the night.

This is one of my favorite little corners in the old city, el Paseo de Angel.


But even many of the tiny, unassuming little side streets have small light displays as well.

The glamor of el Paseo de Angel, coming from the Born headed toward Plaza Catalunya. There’s music playing, a huge seasonal ice skating rink, and lots of street performances if you time it right.

Via Laietana beautiful by foot or car.

I feel like this was taken out straight out of Charles Dickens book.

Another favorite. Plaça Reial, right off La Rambla. REALLY good little dessert cafe here too. Or you can enjoy it rogue style like Diego and I do, bring your own bottle of wine in a brown bag and save yourself the tourist prices while you enjoy it!


Happy Holiday guys! It’s never to late to enjoy a good light show!