Life by Tiff

And Just Like That, We’re Headed to Greece….

Wednesday morning started out just like any other morning: wrangling reluctant children into clothing, demanding they eat their eggs and scurrying to leave the house on time. But over the course of a routine weekday, some serious Big Magic spontaneously combusted into our day.

We were offered 7-week stay at a beautiful garden house on the Greek isle of Paros.

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Wow, wow, Tiffiney, now back up.
How does a 7 week house stay on Grecian Isle just drop into your lap?

Well, let me tell you.

I was just logging onto my day, pursuing a traveling parents group I belong to on Facebook, when these stunning photos caught my eye.

We’ve known that we have to come up with a plan for December, because both kids will be out of school that entire month, and I have not yet mastered parenting and working from home simultaneously. I know many people do it–however I am not one of them. I end up being a hysterical screaming mother whose children watch television all day, and I get interrupted constantly, and we all eat crap for lunch and dinner. (And between you and me, I think the parents who do pull it off, either have older children, or have much more tranquil kids than my gregarious labrador-like humans. Basically I think they are an urban legend.) 

Anyway, back to my story… On a whim, I reached out to the woman, who was looking for a caretaker to look after her dog, her chickens and a few cats, while she tends to some business back in the states. I mean really, with what we’re currently doing, we could reasonably meet our responsibilities from anywhere that has a strong wi-fi connection.

Why not a beautiful island in the Mediterranean?

So a few e-mails and a skype call later–I felt a strong connection with this woman. A quick internet search of her property, and facebook page showed we had many values in common, she didn’t appear to be a serial killer, and by accepting the incredible gift of staying in her home, we were actually relieving her stress of who would care for her property and animals. Win-win!

That we were offered such a scenario, is incredibly generous on the part of the owner. However the fact that we were able to respond and accept in the course of one single day, is the result of the sometimes difficult choices we’ve made over the last year. Our family of four is quite literally living out of suitcases, and we can move or be anywhere in the world as fast as you can book a plane ticket.

This magical sort or synchronicity brought me back to the not so distant past, when we were living paycheck to paycheck and investing all our money into renovating our home. Travel felt like a luxury that was just beyond my means. And then I read something that struck my longing for exploring distant lands.

“Don’t tell me what you value, show me your budget,
and I’ll tell you what you value.”
–Joe Biden

If travel was so important to me, why didn’t I make it a priority? If I kept spending all my money on new shoes, clothes, home decor and meals out, I would never be able to share the world beyond our corner of the world with my children.

Despite the uncertainty we’ve endured in the past year, even a four month stint back in our hometown (which truthfully was just want I needed both emotionally and financially. It’s still one of my favorite places in the world!) we’ve managed to not get sucked back into the consumerist lifestyle we left when we sold our home. We’ve managed to stay true to our values, which is traveling (and yes, eventually a sailboat, once we nail the income piece!) and an incredible gift like this, totally affirms for me that if I align my daily choices, with what I really want,  the universe does respond accordingly.

The problem is most of us aren’t really clear on what we want, and so we never get what we really want. Or we settle for good enough. I know because I’ve been doing it my whole life. And trust me, my life is far from perfect. BUT, I can say with this last year of saying yes to what I want most, and living curiously, that magic is something we make.

And yes, I’m feeling the magic of synchronicity!

Thanks for all your support over this last year. This blog has allowed me to connect with each of you, and that means everything to me.

Seriously guys, if I can do this, anyone can do this.

What do you really want?



****OH, and if your wanting to create a little magic of your own, all this aligning your desires talk is exactly what we do in the Wild Hearts Virtual Desire Map Journey. One of the women from my last class published in an anthology, another fell in love with her life all over again–and even met someone to share it with. There’s no shortage of exciting things that happen when we’re not afraid to speak the truth of what we really crave. Yes please.

You can learn more here, I’m accepting newcomers for a few more days!