Life by Tiff


“What can you do to promote world peace?
Go home and love your family.”

Mother Teresa

It’s no secret we’re a passionate family and there’s a lot of energy and enthusiasm in our household. If I told you that passion is always channeled in a positive direction, I’d be lying.

One of the biggest motivators behind our decision to leave on an open ended journey, (very soon by sailboat!) is to create as much opportunity for togetherness and unity in our family as possible. By stripping away all of the distractions (jobs, community boards to serve on, sports, etc.) we can focus on building the core foundation of our family. When out on the road or the ocean, there is literally no where to go. We will be forced to learn to work together, or the ship could quite literally sink!

Now as we stand on the verge of the dream, house sold, tickets booked, suitcases at the ready, there are days I find myself overwhelmed with doubt. Doubt that we’ll be able to make enough money, doubt that uprooting our kids and taking them from place to place is good for their development, doubt that we’ll be able to find the right boat. I could go on and on here.


The UC Berkeley Forestry Camp “home” for the next 4 weeks.

But something happened the other day that put me at peace and affirmed our decision. As we await our October departure, we’re so blessed to be staying at the UC Berkeley Forestry Camp. The surroundings are as tranquil as they are beautiful. With a canopy of towering evergreens in every direction, I feel as if we’re wrapped in a warm embrace. Things are falling into place. Out in the Plumas National Forest, with no electronics and neighbors nearby, the kids played for 4 hours straight. Outside. Together. And there was no fighting. Not even once. They explored the forest together and were literally squealing with delight the whole time. TOGETHER! Like FRIENDS!

YES! I thought to myself, it’s working. Isolate them from their friends for a little while, and they learn to get along because there’s no one else around!


Look at them! They’re playing TOGETHER!

Diego made a quick video to share with you. Indulge me and tell me they aren’t the sweetest brother/sister pair you’ve ever seen!

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